At Micro Connect, we make care more accessible.

Meet 泉源堂 a pharmacy brand who provided medical and PPE supplies to over 2,000 of our invested stores during the peak of COVID-19hin 2022. As cases were skyrocketing in China, and supplies were in shortage, we partnered with 泉源堂 to distribute COVID-19 care packages to all our invested stores at the time and their employees.


Near the end of 2022, both the flu and COVID-19 were spreading rapidly across the country, affecting the health and livelihood of many. As cases skyrocketed, a growing number of employees and stores began facing a shortage of medical and PPE supplies.

Facing this increasingly severe situation, Micro Connect decided to do something to help and protect the stores and people we invest in. Thankfully, we weren’t the only ones hoping to support those in need and were graciously offered aid by 泉源堂, a pharmacy brand Micro Connect invests in.


We took the lead and funded the distribution of medical and PPE supplies provided by 泉源堂 to more than 2,000 stores and their employees. These packages were created in line with recommendations from the National Health Commission and pharmaceutical experts, including cold medicine, fever-reducing medicine, pharyngitis cough medicine, alcohol spray, and other supplies. We simultaneously provided condolences and messages of encouragement to employees on the front lines of the pandemic.


“We received many valuable medications and supplies from your company, which was a special surprise and touched us deeply. On behalf of our company and its employees, we thank Micro Connect for their constant expression of care and warmth. In these extremely difficult moments, you have given us the strength to move forward, and we are grateful to have met Micro Connect,” said one of our invested brands.

Micro Connect, growing with micro and small businesses

The small and micro economies and their stores are fundamental to our economy. Behind these enterprises are entrepreneurs who work hard to create wealth and change their destiny. They are essential in prospering the economy, stabilizing employment, and facilitating people’s lives.
Micro Connect - connecting global capital to Chinese small and micro enterprises, empowering labor entrepreneurs, and helping them flourish.