At Micro Connect, enable young entrepreneurs.

Shasha was born in Lhasa, Tibet, went to school in Sichuan, and worked for a few years in Shanghai before moving back home in 2017. Today, she manages a team of four strong young women in one of ACC 超级饰’s Lhasa stores.


Shasha has always been in the accessory business, first working as a store worker for several years in Shanghai. Despite enjoying her time in the vibrant city, Shasha increasingly began to miss Lhasa. While the convenience and diversity of Shanghai was great, she deeply missed the blue skies, open air, and stunning landscape of Tibet, prompting her to move back home.

In July 2022, Shasha heard that ACC was planning to open two new stores in Lhasa and immediately jumped on the opportunity, hoping to become manager. As a result, ACC placed Shasha in a management training program, helping her develop vital skills and knowledge in store management to increase her expertise and confidence.


Now home and manager of her own store, Shasha has begun to feel a sense of peace. While her work at the store keeps her busy, and at times feels trivial, there is an overwhelming sense of appreciation she feels for ACC, her employees, the opportunities she has been given, and her hometown. Her dream now is to spend as much time as she can with her daughter, who still lives in Sichuan with Shasha’s parents. Now that she has settled down in Lhasa, Shasha hopes her daughter can someday call this beautiful place home too.

Micro Connect, growing with micro and small businesses

The small and micro economies and their stores are fundamental to our economy. Behind these enterprises are entrepreneurs who work hard to create wealth and change their destiny. They are essential in prospering the economy, stabilizing employment, and facilitating people’s lives.
Micro Connect - connecting global capital to Chinese small and micro enterprises, empowering labor entrepreneurs, and helping them flourish.