The Micro Connect White Paper

Delivering Capital to Small Businesses with Precision, Efficiency, and Transparency

Micro Connect White Paper

At Micro Connect, we have a dream — to build a new financial market that will, for the first time, give China’s micro and small businesses access to adequate and sustainable financing, while allowing global investors to enjoy quality returns by tapping into the daily, transparent cash flows from millions of stores in China’s vibrant consumer economy. It will be a new market that delivers financial returns to investors and creates value for society.


The digital revolutions that have fundamentally disrupted many aspects of our economic and social life since the turn of the century will transform our financial markets in similar ways. Taking inspiration from the successes of the world’s leading e-commerce and social media platforms, we are creating a new investment paradigm that will make our financial markets more equitable, more inclusive, and more socially impactful.


Today we publish the Micro Connect White Paper – our genesis, vision and blueprint for building a new financial market that brings about unprecedented transparency, returns and scalability when investing in micro and small businesses in China.


The Micro Connect White Paper describes our journey from 0 to 1,000 store investments, but more importantly, how we plan to scale from 1,000 to 1 million by the end of 2030.


Read our White Paper and the overview presentation to learn more about the new financial ecosystem we are building: